The boys from 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes have been training very hard since Christmas in preparation for thier annual Sciath na Scol indoor hurling competitions. First up was the third class competition, held in Bishopstown, and involved schools from Ballincollig, Glasheen, Bishopstown and ourselves. These were schools with very big numbers but, as always, Tirelton more than matched them. The competition was held on a non-competitive basis and everyone certainly enjoyed the day out. The Fourth Class tournament was held in Cloughduv on Wednesday 1st February. Donoughmore, Firmount, Kilbonane and Ballinhassig provided the opposition. After a two frenctic hours of hurling it came down to a final between Tirelton and Ballinhassig with Tirelton just being edged out ba a last minute goal. However, once again the boys enjoyed the day out and really palyed well. Two great things about these competitons was every boy in the three classes played and some girls from 3rd and 4th classes also trained with the squad. Next year we are hoping that we will have enough girls to enter the 5th class girl’s competition, which would be another first.
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