Cork Primary School Sports – 2010.

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6th Class of 2010!

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West Muskerry Sciath na Scol Football Blitz!

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The boys and girls from 4th, 5th and 6th classes took part in the West Muskerry Sciath na Scol Football Blitz held in Annahala on Wednesday, 16th June.  Congratulations to Tirelton who won the boys final.

More work at Gairdín na Leanaí, 2010!

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Visit to Lifetime Lab!

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Visual Arts Facilitator, Ann Bechnoir, visited Tirelton N.S.on Tuesday, 25th May!

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Football Blitz

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2nd and 3rd class Football blitz held in Annahala on Wednesday, 26th May

Gairdín na Leanaí, 2010!

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School tour to Glen Resource Centre!

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Table Tennis

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‘J.M.C., a pupil in Tirelton NS who was a member of Munster Boys Under 12 Table Tennis Team who won the All Ireland Inter Provincial Table Tennis championships in Enniskellen recently.’

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