Noreen Lehane has retired as caretaker of Tirelton NS. We thank her for her years of service and wish her well.
Children from 4th, 5th and 6th classes made costumes from recycled materials.
This week is ‘National Walk to School Week’. To celebrate this, all children and teachers will be walking to school on this Friday, 17th May from outside the parochial house, Tirelton at 9 am. If... Read More
Ten children from Tirelton NS received their First Holy Communin in Toames Church on Saturday, 11th May, 2013.
Children from 2nd Class are receiving their First Penance in Toames church on Wednesday, 24th April at 7.30 pm. First Holy Communion takes place on Saturday, 11th May.
The West Muskerry Indoor Hurling Blitz was held recently in Cloghduv. Participants were Clondrohid, Inchegeelagh, Muine Fliuch, Rusheen and Tirelton. Each school played a minimum of five games with competition and scoring tight all through.... Read More
Tirelton NS first ever Camogie team who took part in Sciath na Scol competition in 2013. Tirelton National School had a very significant first recently when the girls from 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes took... Read More
On Wednesday, 27th February ‘Baroque Workshop’ visited Tirelton NS and performed for all the school.